Ravenshaw Journal of Philosophy (RJP), a UGC care listed journal, invites scholarly articles for its forthcomming issue.    

About the Journal

Ravenshaw Journal of Philosophy (RJP) is a peer-reviewed & UGC Care Listed journal published by the Department of Philosophy, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack. It is a well-known refereed journal expressing philosophical reflections of diverse orientations within the Indian and Western philosophical traditions. It also provides space for interdisciplinary intellectual platform for the scholars in the areas like Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Religion, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Consciousness, Applied Ethics etc.

The journal had its inception in the name of Darśana: Ravenshaw Journal of Philosophy in the year 2000. Dr. D. M. Praharaj was the chief editor and Dr. Ranjit Ghose, Dr.Priyambada Pattnaik and Dr.Haris Chandra Sahoo were the members of editorial board. The journal was renamed and revamped as Ravenshaw Journal of Philosophy (RJP) in the year 2015. Professor R. C. Majhi is the editor. Prof. P. Das and Dr. H.S. Samal are the executive editors. Dr. Ashoka Kumar Tarai is the associate editor of the journal.

RJP is committed to meet the highest ethical standards in research and academic publication. The journal is guided by the principles set in its Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement.

Ravenshaw Journal of Philosophy (RJP) is an annual journal published in November on the occasion of World Philosophy Day. Authors will be sent a copy of the journal free of charge.

ISSN No. 2395-3209

Editor, Ravenshaw Journal of Philosophy. All rights reserved. No part of this journal may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or the editor.

Editorial Board


Patitapaban Das

Professor, Department of Philosophy
Ravenshaw University, Cuttack- 753 003
E-Mail ID: editor@rjp.net.in, pdas@ravenshawuniversity.ac.in, pdas@rjp.net.in Mob. No.: +91 7377074334

Executive Editors

Himansu Sekhar Samal

Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
Ravenshaw University,
Cuttack- 753 003
E-Mail ID: himansu@rjp.net.in
Mob. No.: +91 8984284600

Associate Editor

Ashoka Kumar Tarai

Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
Ravenshaw University, Cuttack- 753 003
E-Mail ID: ashokatarai@ravenshawuniversity.ac.in
Mob. No.: +91 7855021987

Editorial Advisory Board

Ram Chandra Majhi

Former Professor of Philosophy
Senior Fellow ICPR
Ravenshaw University, Cuttack- 753 003

Ramesh C. Pradhan

Former Professor of Philosophy
University of Hyderabad

Angus Dawson

Professor of Public Health Ethics, Head of Medicine, Ethics, Society & History (MESH), 90, Vincent Drive School of Health & Population Sciences College of Medical and Dental Sciences University of Birmingham Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK

Ashok Vohra

Former Professor of Philosophy Delhi University, Delhi -110007

Prafulla K. Mohapatra

Former Professor of Philosophy, Utkal University, Vani Vihar Bhubaneswar-751004

Bijoy H. Boruah

Former Professor of Philosophy, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016

Abhaya C. Nayak

Associate Professor, Dept of Computing Room 365, Building E6A Macquarie University Sydney, NSW2109, Australia

Prasanta S. Bandyopadhyay

Professor of Philosophy, Department of History, Philosophy and Religious Studies & Astrobiology Biogeocatalysis Research Centre Montana State University, USA

Asha Mukharjee

Former Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy & Religion and Former Director Women’s Studies Centre VisvaBharati University, Santiniketan (WB), India -731235

Raghunath Ghosh

Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University of North Bengal, WB

Predrag Cicovacki

Professor of Philosophy, College of the Holy Cross Worcester, MA,USA

A. What do we publish?

We are interested in publishing articles, review articles, book reviews across the whole range of philosophical topics. We also welcome,inter alia, contributions from other fields such as literature, cultural studies, gender studies, political science, sociology, history, anthropology and economics with strong philosophical content.

B. How long should a submission be?

Article (between 3000 to 6000 words)
Review Article (between 3000 to 6000 words)
Book Review (2000 words or less)
Abstract (150-200 words) and Keywords ( 5-7 words)

C. When should you submit your work?

Because of the sheer number of unsolicited submissions we receive everyday, submission management has become a challenge for us. This often results in the piling-up of submissions, at times, unacknowledged submissions. Therefore, Submissions of papers of the issue will be accepted ONLY in between December to February for every year.

Editorial correspondence, including manuscripts for submission should be only sent to Editor, Ravenshaw Journal of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, 753003 or via email to editor@rjp.net.in . The work should be typed on one side of the paper, double spaced with ample margins, and contain the name of the author(s) and his/her institutional affiliation along with the complete mailing address. Notes and references should appear at the end of the article. The author should submit the hard copy alongwith the soft copy in word format, wherever possible, to the address mentioned earlier, or as an e-mail attachment to editor@rjp.net.in

D. Instruction to the contributor?

RJP welcomes contributions in all fields of Philosophy. However, it would like its contributor to focus on what she considersbeing significantly new and important in what she has to say and to consider the counter arguments to what she is saying. This is to ensure that what she is saying is on the whole more reasonable than the views opposed to her own. The historical preliminaries may be avoided unless they are absolutely necessary to the development of the argument, as it may be assumed that most of the readers of the Journal are already familiar with them. Reference and quotations are generally to be avoided except in an article that is specifically exegetical.

The articles which use Sanskrit terms should use the standard diacritical marks, a specimen list of which is given.

Only papers which have not been published elsewhere will be considered.

Proof will be sent to the author if there is sufficient time to do so. It should be corrected and returned to the Journal at the address within ten days. Major alterations to the text cannot be accepted.

Copyright and Ethics

A. Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

RJP is committed to meet the highest ethical standards in research and academic publication. The journal is guided by the following principles:

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board

The Editorial Board ensures that manuscripts are prepared for blind peer-review. It is the responsibility of the Editorial Board to accept, reject, or recommend a manuscript for revision and resubmission. Such decision is based, to a large extent, on the recommendations of nominated experts who act as referees. It is the responsibility of the Editorial Board to inform an author about the status of her submission, regardless of the decision. The Editorial Board may choose to reject a paper that violates legal provisions on libel, copyrights, and originality (plagiarism). Information regarding a manuscript under review must remain confidential until it is finally accepted for publication. The Editorial Board does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles published in the journal. RJP does not charge any fees to complete the publication process. No charges are levied against the author for submission or article processing.

Responsibilities of the Referee

The referees nominated by RJP’s Editorial Board are experts in their areas of specialization. The referees assist the Editorial Board’s decision to accept, reject, or revise and resubmit manuscripts based on their objective assessments and recommendations. A referee must treat an assigned manuscript with utmost confidentially during the peer-review process; however, it is the responsibility of the referee to inform the Editorial Board when a legal violation by the author is suspected. The evaluation of a manuscript should be based solely on its academic merit and not on race, gender, sexuality, or religious and/or political orientation of the author.

Responsibilities of the Author

It is the responsibility of the author to prepare her manuscript for blind review. The author must ensure that her work is original and not plagiarized. The sources used in the manuscript should be properly cited. An author must not submit the same manuscript to another journal when it is currently under review by RJP. It is the responsibility of an author to inform the Editorial Board right away if her manuscript is being considered in another journal or publication medium; in such case, RJP will discontinue the review of the manuscript. If an author's manuscript is published by RJP, she must adhere to the provisions set in the copyrights page of the journal.

B. Copyright

Copyright to articles published in the Journal shall remain vested with the Journal. The author may republish her work upon the condition that RJP is acknowledged as the original publisher. RJP and the Department of Philosophy of the Ravenshaw University do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles published.

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